I Was Hiding a Secret About My Family

It’s time to spill the beans

3 min read4 days ago
Colourful candy beans falling out of a glass utensil
Photo by Graham Walker on Pexels

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Let’s go back to November 2023.

My first child had just turned 5. It had been 8 months since my miscarriage.

I had spent these months praying and wishing for another baby. Every month, I ran to test for pregnancy even before the due date of my period arrived.

Such strong was my desire for another child.

At times my eyes welled up with tears when my daughter would express her desire for a playmate.

After many months of wasting countless pregnancy test strips, I had almost given up. I was starting to make peace with having one child only.

If God wants me to have only one child so be it. I am glad she has friends and a social circle. I gave myself solace in the fact that my daughter had friends at school, in the park, and within the circle of our family friends.

She won’t grow up to be a lonely cat lady, right?

The same month I started to make peace with having an only child, I found out I was pregnant.

The news of the pregnancy made us feel elated but we didn’t do the whoopdidoo dance. We were focused. We focused…

